Wednesday, 3 July 2013


Assalamualaikum and good evening to my readers, I am so sorry for the lack and late of updates, I have a very packed schedule recently. This post is specially dedicated to all of my readers about Hai-O Marketing Diamond Night, which I believe it is a Night To Remember. Diamond Night is a prestigious night which is specially arranged to celebrate all those award receivers for Diamond Sales Managers (DSM), Double Diamond Sales Managers (DDM) and Car Fund Achievers. So, I left you guys with lots of photos for your viewing pleasure, the photos will tell the stories itself, Enjoy! :)

Mr Tan Kai Hee and Mr Teoh (GM)

The Prestigious Stage and all the CDMs in HOM

CDM Marina, CDM Malisa and CDC Samiah Parman

CDM Zulkifli Deraman, CDM Firdaus and CDM Halim

The Dynamic Duo: CDM Malisa and CDM Halim

The Power of Two Couple: CDM Fir and CDM Marina

The Backbone of 369 Academy: CDC Samiah Parman, CDM Fir, CDM Marina, CDM Malisa, CDM Halim

The Iron Ladies with CDC Samiah Parman

The real Fighters!

Diamond Sales Manager Awards

DSM Syafiq 

DSM Shahril Amry

DSM Izah

DSM Shafiq

Award receivers : DSM Syafiq, DSM Izah, DSM Arzu, DSM Shahril Amry, DSM Shafiq
*DSM Rizal not in the picture

We have a very supportive and sporting members! Feel Blessed. 

NurLianaLatif :D

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